Acceptable Use Policy for Technology

The Seacrest Network Philosophy: Our educational mission is to train the leaders of the future. Our goals include the expectation that all of our students gain a love of learning while developing the skill to use their knowledge to creatively solve any of the problems they may face. Children at our school are encouraged to look to the future and determine how best to reach their personal goals while serving their community in a positive manner. 

Technology now permeates every area of life in society. Children need to approach technology with confidence, and use it as a tool to provide avenues of knowledge and skill building. Through daily exposure to the tools available, development of thought processes conducive to creative problem solving, and cooperative work situations, our students will be ready for new and emerging technology as it is developed. The wonderful resources of the Internet allow children to reach far beyond their classroom walls to the learning environment present around the globe.

Network Access: All members of the Seacrest community have access to the Internet and information resources via designated and/or assigned  devices at the divisional level. It is possible that a user may find material on the Internet that could be considered objectionable. Seacrest School attempts to restrict access to material that is inappropriate in the school environment.  To that end, Seacrest utilizes a state of the art firewall and content filtration system to gate said objectionable content. That said, hardware/software solutions alone may not be entirely effective in blocking access and, therefore, we cannot guarantee that users will not gain access to inappropriate material.


The levels of access to the Internet will vary according to the educational purpose and user’s age. Of course, parents may exercise the option of requesting that a child not be provided with access to the Internet. 

We expect users to act responsibly in their searches, to immediately disengage from any materials that are inappropriate, and to report the situation to the faculty member or administrator in charge of the activity. Although the School cannot effectively restrict the content of information obtained by students via the Internet, obtaining material that is explicitly labeled as not intended for minors will be considered a violation of School rules. Furthermore, making public or passing on any material that is pornographic, violent in nature, or otherwise harassing is totally unacceptable and will be dealt with immediately by the appropriate administrator.


Acceptable Uses:  Any materials or equipment used in conjunction with the information network at Seacrest is considered the property of the School and subject to examination at any time. The use of the Internet is designed for educational purposes, which are defined as those activities directly tied to curriculum-related assignments.

As users, students will have access to their Seacrest branded Google Workspace for Education Plus account.  Students will use Google Drive to save all school-based materials. Network administrators may access network and cloud storage areas (much the same as a school locker) at any time. Students’ storage space is not private and should not be treated as such. The contents of the storage space, such as files or communications, may be viewed at any time to ensure the safety and integrity of the school’s network. 

Students in grades 3 through 12 will have Google Workspace and network accounts, which will allow them access to the school’s network, WiFi and cloud services. This account information is not to be shared with others. By sharing passwords, students violate this policy and will be subject to administrative actions as deemed necessary.

Students should never give out personal information (address, telephone number, name of School, address of School, date of birth, Social Security Number, credit card number, etc.) over the Internet. Students also should not meet with someone that they have contacted online without prior parental approval. Safety is the responsibility of the parent and student. The School is not liable in any way for irresponsible acts on the part of the student.

Unacceptable Uses:  Accessing the accounts and files of others is prohibited.  Attempting to impair the network, to bypass restrictions set by the network administrator is prohibited.  Obtaining another’s password or rights to another’s directory or e-mail on the network is a violation of School rules as well as a form of theft.  Taking advantage of a student or faculty member who inadvertently leaves a computer without logging out is not appropriate.  Using someone else’s password or posting a message using another’s log-in name is a form of dishonesty, just as is plagiarism or lying, and will be treated as a violation, as will misuse of copyright laws, using the network for financial or commercial gain, advertising, or political lobbying.  Causing congestion on the network or interfering with the work of others, such as chain letters or broadcast messages to lists or individuals.

Any other use of the Seacrest School Information Network considered unacceptable will be dealt with on an individual basis.

Computer Care:  Members of the School community will not abuse, tamper with, or willfully damage any computer equipment, use the computer for other than appropriate work, or bring food or drink into any computer area. Any intentional acts of vandalism will result in discipline and students will be held responsible for replacement or repairs.

Personal Responsibility:  Network access is a privilege. Users found involved in unacceptable uses of the network of Seacrest School may lose all network privileges and face disciplinary action up to dismissal from the School.

Technology from Home and Downloads:  Seacrest School has furnished all students from grades K and up with a Google Workspace for Education Plus account enabling them to complete assignments, share files, and take advantage of the entire suite of Google apps online.   Students should not be using email as a means to transmit files to their teachers, but instead use their school Google Classroom account to share the files in question via their school Google Drive.

Downloading data from the internet is permissible, but only if a teacher has approved this action.  The school’s firewall will gate inappropriate material, and preemptively scan data for malware/viruses.

Student-owned Devices: Students are permitted to bring their personal laptops and connect to the BYOD-Student network. Access is gated by username and password.  

Reporting Requirements/Discipline:  Any student who accesses inappropriate material on the Internet or receives harassing, threatening, or inappropriate materials via e-mail or on the Internet must immediately report the concern to the teacher who is supervising the activity or to the Technology Coordinator so that the situation can be investigated and addressed appropriately. Students who violate any aspect of this Acceptable Use Policy will be subject to appropriate discipline and loss of computer or Internet privileges.

Publications of Photographs, Writing, and Art:  As with many independent schools throughout the country, Seacrest Country Day School maintains a website on the Internet. From time-to-time, Seacrest may wish to publish examples of projects and other work on the School’s website. Seacrest will make every attempt not to publish the names of students or photographs where individuals can be identified. Seacrest Country Day School will attempt to honor the request of parents who do not wish a child’s work and/or photograph to be shown. 

Acceptable Use Policy User Agreement:  All parents have agreed to this Acceptable Usage Policy when they signed the Seacrest Country Day School Parent and Student Handbook.