There are 4 wireless networks at Seacrest.  It's important to understand their differentiation.

Guest - This network is for guests, parents and vendors only - students are prohibited from using this network.  It is designed for light web navigation and email access.  Our Front Desks have access information.

SeacrestInternal - This network is for all school Directory-enrolled and school-owned devices.   Devices are set up to automatically connect to this network.  Should you encounter a scenario where you cannot access SeacrestInternal, and you have already restarted the computer, please place a ticket on Freshdesk with a different device or through a colleague.

BYOD-Staff (Bring Your Own Device) - this is the wireless network set up for our faculty & staff.  Sign in with your school username (not your email address) and password.  Accept any Trust certificates that you are prompted with and you will connect seamlessly.

BYOD-Student - Like its Staff counterpart, sign in with your school username (not your email address) and password.  Accept any Trust certificates that you are prompted with and you will connect seamlessly.

Some versions of the Android operating system are not compatible with the security protocol that Seacrest uses for wireless connections.  Please place a ticket should you be faced with this issue.